
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Elliott's 9th month

This is a little late. I'm sitting at lunch at a conference in Orlando so I'm taking a few minutes to multi task.

As you saw from previous posts Elliott's ninth month was full of adventure and milestones including becoming a big cousin. He isn't the baby any more!

Elliott likes playing with his shapes, watching the big kids, sitting up on my own from laying down, and playing with his elephant rattle. His favorite foods are squash and lentils (really). He is starting to practice waving bye bye and clapping. 

He wears six or nine month clothes and size four diapers. He is the same size as he was at his 6 month appointment so were introducing carbs to get some more variety in his diet. He is such a healthy happy boy! 

I don't want to ruin next months update because it is going to be a good one!!!

Elliott's 10th month!

...The night before his 11 month birthday... summer is busy, ok folks?

This month was a big one... Elliott started clapping, waving unpredictably, crawling, pulling himself up on furniture and walking behind his walker! This was a lot of new activity compared to his 9 month achievements.

He is wearing 6 and 9 month clothes, sleeping through the night, and feeding himself soft solids. He still takes 6 ounce bottles (3-4 per day). This month he grew 5 teeth! I almost don't recognize this small person any more.

His favorite toys are his activity table and his walker. He laughs when he walks because he is so excited.

Some of this months favorite activities included...laughing at mom and dad when we tell him not to pull the picture frames off the book shelf, swimming at masons pool, taking walks in the stroller, rescuing Nemo from his house, pushing all the buttons on the play remote and talking on his play phone. The cutest thing we noticed was that he giggles when he gets overly tired. That is funny. And we think he gets that from me.

Tomorrow should bring a new update because tomorrow is August 13th!

PS... these are some of the shots from his 9 month professional shoot...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

He's not the baby anymore!!

Elliott's new baby cousin arrived on Saturday! Bryson James Reed was born at 12:50pm and weighed 6lb 6oz and was 19 inches long. These are Elliott's stats! It was so crazy to look at Bryson and try to remember Elliott being that small. They're just so little when they arrive and change so fast. Anyway, Bryson is a healthy little guy and we are so glad he is here! We can't wait to watch these boys grow up together. Here are some pics from the weekend:

Big bro Mason upon hearing the news:

The newest member of Team Reed:

Proud mom and dad!

The Reed boys (top was at Elliott's arrival bottom is Bryson's:

Proud Uncle Josh and Aunt Erin and cousin Elliott (who has no idea what is going on):

This is so sweet. But Elliott did slap his face like he slaps his toys... He was just saying hi:

I guess this being a big cousin thing is too much for a guy to handle... Shirt hanging open and everything:

And since it was Memorial Day weekend we flaunted our patriotism. 

Here's to a wonderful summer!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It's nothing a little swingin' can't solve

Does this kid know how to relax or what?

Little feet crossed and everything.

Things have been busy around here as usual but nothing too out of the norm I don't think. Josh's friend Rob was in town so we went to dinner with him and I think Elliott really had fun...

Elliott refuses to nap at day care, but sleeps like a champ at home:

And he got this sporty new shirt from Great Grandma Billie.

Meanwhile, I went to target and saw this little lady shopping. She's in training. I almost brought her home.

We have kicked off summer in full swing. We have celebrated birthdays, attended baseball games, played at the park, taken long walks. It couldn't be better. Every weekend is more fun than the last!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Elliott's 8th month!

Elliott turned 8 months old on Tuesday, May 13th! He happened to have his first ear infection so we didn't take pictures until Sunday. 

During the last month Elliott has really started to enjoy his toys. His favorite right now are his shapes! If you put the shapes back in the bucket where they belong he spills them everywhere, squeals, bangs them together, chews them, and smiles... 

 Besides loving his shapes, Elliott loves chasing and petting Griffin, eating mangoes and squash (he recently decided he doesn't care for carrots any more), taking walks in the stroller, playing with Mason, rolling over, and exploring new toys. He gives really sweet hugs and kisses. He is starting to recognize his name and when people are talking to him. He is also starting to reach for us for comfort. He loves his teacher Ms Amber at day care. They do crafts and sing songs. She said he is so sweet and she loves taking care of him.

Elliott sleeps through the night (except when he's fighting an ear infection), he wears 6 month clothes (getting closer to 9 month quickly), he eats 6 ounce bottles (still breastmilk) and 1-2 ounces of food at each feeding. He weighs 16 lb 5 oz and is 26 inches tall.

(Hi guys! It's my birthday! They're taking my picture, again!)

He certainly is one happy boy!

Just one year ago...

We were celebrating Griffin's birthday and the news we had a baby boy on the way! 

Look at us now!...

Another year older and wiser.

Today (May 13) is also Elliott's 8 month birthday but he is feeling a little under the weather so pictures will come later. He is sleeping now.

Monday, May 12, 2014

My first Mother's Day

This weekend I celebrated my very first Mother's Day (well, 3rd if you ask Griffin). It was such a fun weekend spent with my boys.

We started Friday with a BBQ at Jeremy and Mary's house. Elliott thinks that Mason is so funny, he belly laughs when he watches him. I love it.

Saturday morning we woke up and after Elliott ate we played for a while then he went down for his morning nap while Josh and I got a bunch of chores done around the house. After Elliott woke up and we were able to get cleaned up and eat lunch we took a big walk around Reeds Lake (we're talking 4-5 miles here folks). The weather was perfect - sunny with a little breeze. Griffin joined us for this too and by the end I think his legs were so tired. He is still working off his holiday pounds, he is out of shape.

After our walk we went to dinner with Grandma Marnita and Grandpa Bill to celebrate Mother's Day with her. Jeremy, Mary, and Mason joined us also and Elliott did more belly laughing at Mason's funny antics. Cracks us all up.

Onto Sunday morning when we went to church and saw Great Grandma Reed. After church we headed to Lansing to have lunch with Great Grandma Billie, Great Aunt Terri, and Grandma Pam. After lunch my boys took me to East Lansing so I could get a picture with Elliott and Sparty. What a treat for me! Josh was such a good sport because East Lansing is enemy territory for most of those Reeds!

Look at that belly...

Hey guys! I'm over here!

He's looking ahead to his bright future on the banks of the red cedar! 

My boys

We headed for home after our walk around Spartan Stadium and Josh grilled up some burgers (the weather was awesome, finally!) and we had a cozy night as a little family at home after a really busy weekend!

I had such a wonderful weekend. I feel like one lucky momma.  We saw almost all of our Grandma's and mom's (Great Grandma Alice and Grandma Kellie got long distance love instead of in person). It was also nice to have some time around home and around town. We were pretty busy in March and April, I think we are in a lull before another busy summer!

Tomorrow is Griffin's 4th birthday, Elliott's 8 month birthday, and one year since we found out we were having a boy! What a big day, we'll try to catch it all in pictures.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The 3rd date!

They took a leisurely walk through town and then had a picnic in the park. They shared Elliott's football blanket and a few toys. 💗

Elliott's 7th month

Elliott turned 7 months old on April 13, 2014. He is growing up so fast.  In his 7th month he spent his time:

- Enjoying swim class ("swimmy swimmy class")
- Eating fruits and veggies. His favorite for a while was avocado. Then squash
- Meeting his new baby cousin Joey
- On his first date with Mila
- With a fever of 102* one weekend. This was rough
- Visiting Grandma and Grandpa's house in Rochester
- Celebrating Uncle Jeremy's birthday (and celebrating and celebrating)
- Attending his first euchre party!
- Attending his first baseball game
- Playing with toys, laughing at Griffin, and generally being an all around good boy.

Elliott still sleeps through the night (except when he is sick). He has only had breastmilk so far, no formula yet although that day is coming soon I think. He takes 6 ounce bottles and eats 1-2 ounces of fruits or veggies at every feeding.  He is wearing size 4 diapers and size 6 month clothes. He is still doing great at daycare although he does not sleep there very well. Miss Amber his teacher takes great care of him and he is already very patient and independent.

Another one of Elliott's favorite things to do is spend time with his big cousin Mason. He thinks Mason is so funny and does the most interesting stuff. We all can't wait to see them grow up together. Although everyone has commented that hopefully Elliott doesn't pick up ALL of Mason's habits... ;) Mason is a really good boy and so sweet to Elliott. He brings him toys to play with and when asked even tells people his own name is Elliott. Pretty soon Mason will have a new baby of his own which could be confusing at first because I think the new baby's name will be Elliott too!  Mason will be a great big brother.

Since I am so far behind on this 7 month update, the 8 month edition will be coming in just a week or so.

You mean I'm how old????