
Our story

It is no secret. I had a plan. I was going to graduate from college, move to Chicago with my girlfriends and lead a fabulous twenty-something life with a great job and great shoes. We were going to go to Hawaii to celebrate our 30th birthdays. So much to look forward to! Thats when life happened and instead my friends and I received rejection letter after rejection letter when applying for our first jobs out of school. It became a joke. Then one day a great opportunity came along and I went to the interview and guess what... I got the job! It was in Grand Rapids, MI. Where? Three hours from Chicago and 2 hours from "home" in Rochester. OK I can do this for a couple of years and then move on, just delay the original plan.  Almost 9 years later and I live in Grand Rapids with my husband, son, and dog in our suburbia starter home with a privacy fence. Sometimes going off plan works out alright...

A few years after I moved here I met the guy who would change it all. The guy who would make this place my home. It wasn't love at first sight. I joke that I woo'ed him with my mad skills on the soccer field (ha). He apparently asked me out a few times before our official first date but I thought he was just being friendly. I was still new here, lots of people offered to show me around town. Cut to 2 years later and we said "I do" on the greatest day of our lives. All of our friends and family were there. Even Sparty was there (thanks dad)! It was perfect. And the adventure began...

We took a honeymoon to Jamaica and Up North. We took a vacation to Las Vegas with the whole family (turns out the first of many). We remodeled our bathroom. We got a dog. We vacationed to Jamaica again. We remodeled our kitchen. We lost a grandparent. We moved onto new jobs. We played soccer. We made new friends and we kept the old. We vacationed some more (Mexico, Dominican Republic, Florida, Chicago, Louisville, Northern Michigan, Las Vegas, St. Croix, Arizona). We took the most epic of all of our trips to Hawaii. We attended and were a part of friends and family weddings. Life was good. We refer to these days as "back when we were young."

Our worlds changed on September 13, 2013 when our bundle of lovable baby boy arrived!  I guess that our lives really changed back on Saturday, January 19, 2012. I will try to recap the highlights to get you up to speed over the next few posts. Then we'll share the highlights and stories from our home.

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