
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Elliott's 10th month!

...The night before his 11 month birthday... summer is busy, ok folks?

This month was a big one... Elliott started clapping, waving unpredictably, crawling, pulling himself up on furniture and walking behind his walker! This was a lot of new activity compared to his 9 month achievements.

He is wearing 6 and 9 month clothes, sleeping through the night, and feeding himself soft solids. He still takes 6 ounce bottles (3-4 per day). This month he grew 5 teeth! I almost don't recognize this small person any more.

His favorite toys are his activity table and his walker. He laughs when he walks because he is so excited.

Some of this months favorite activities included...laughing at mom and dad when we tell him not to pull the picture frames off the book shelf, swimming at masons pool, taking walks in the stroller, rescuing Nemo from his house, pushing all the buttons on the play remote and talking on his play phone. The cutest thing we noticed was that he giggles when he gets overly tired. That is funny. And we think he gets that from me.

Tomorrow should bring a new update because tomorrow is August 13th!

PS... these are some of the shots from his 9 month professional shoot...

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