
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Elliott's 9th month

This is a little late. I'm sitting at lunch at a conference in Orlando so I'm taking a few minutes to multi task.

As you saw from previous posts Elliott's ninth month was full of adventure and milestones including becoming a big cousin. He isn't the baby any more!

Elliott likes playing with his shapes, watching the big kids, sitting up on my own from laying down, and playing with his elephant rattle. His favorite foods are squash and lentils (really). He is starting to practice waving bye bye and clapping. 

He wears six or nine month clothes and size four diapers. He is the same size as he was at his 6 month appointment so were introducing carbs to get some more variety in his diet. He is such a healthy happy boy! 

I don't want to ruin next months update because it is going to be a good one!!!

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