
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Elliott's 8th month!

Elliott turned 8 months old on Tuesday, May 13th! He happened to have his first ear infection so we didn't take pictures until Sunday. 

During the last month Elliott has really started to enjoy his toys. His favorite right now are his shapes! If you put the shapes back in the bucket where they belong he spills them everywhere, squeals, bangs them together, chews them, and smiles... 

 Besides loving his shapes, Elliott loves chasing and petting Griffin, eating mangoes and squash (he recently decided he doesn't care for carrots any more), taking walks in the stroller, playing with Mason, rolling over, and exploring new toys. He gives really sweet hugs and kisses. He is starting to recognize his name and when people are talking to him. He is also starting to reach for us for comfort. He loves his teacher Ms Amber at day care. They do crafts and sing songs. She said he is so sweet and she loves taking care of him.

Elliott sleeps through the night (except when he's fighting an ear infection), he wears 6 month clothes (getting closer to 9 month quickly), he eats 6 ounce bottles (still breastmilk) and 1-2 ounces of food at each feeding. He weighs 16 lb 5 oz and is 26 inches tall.

(Hi guys! It's my birthday! They're taking my picture, again!)

He certainly is one happy boy!

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