
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Elliott's 7th month

Elliott turned 7 months old on April 13, 2014. He is growing up so fast.  In his 7th month he spent his time:

- Enjoying swim class ("swimmy swimmy class")
- Eating fruits and veggies. His favorite for a while was avocado. Then squash
- Meeting his new baby cousin Joey
- On his first date with Mila
- With a fever of 102* one weekend. This was rough
- Visiting Grandma and Grandpa's house in Rochester
- Celebrating Uncle Jeremy's birthday (and celebrating and celebrating)
- Attending his first euchre party!
- Attending his first baseball game
- Playing with toys, laughing at Griffin, and generally being an all around good boy.

Elliott still sleeps through the night (except when he is sick). He has only had breastmilk so far, no formula yet although that day is coming soon I think. He takes 6 ounce bottles and eats 1-2 ounces of fruits or veggies at every feeding.  He is wearing size 4 diapers and size 6 month clothes. He is still doing great at daycare although he does not sleep there very well. Miss Amber his teacher takes great care of him and he is already very patient and independent.

Another one of Elliott's favorite things to do is spend time with his big cousin Mason. He thinks Mason is so funny and does the most interesting stuff. We all can't wait to see them grow up together. Although everyone has commented that hopefully Elliott doesn't pick up ALL of Mason's habits... ;) Mason is a really good boy and so sweet to Elliott. He brings him toys to play with and when asked even tells people his own name is Elliott. Pretty soon Mason will have a new baby of his own which could be confusing at first because I think the new baby's name will be Elliott too!  Mason will be a great big brother.

Since I am so far behind on this 7 month update, the 8 month edition will be coming in just a week or so.

You mean I'm how old????

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