
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Elliott's 6th Month!

February 14 - March 13, 2013

Elliott turned six months old on Thursday! It is hard to believe how fast its all going.  In the last month he has really enjoyed:
  • jumping in his jumper
  • sucking his thumb
  • playing with his feet
  • day care and Miss Amber (his teacher)
  • bath time
  • swim lessons
  • Mondays with Grandma Marnita
  • Fridays with Grandma Pam
  • tummy time
  • rolling over
  • trying solid foods - avocado is his favorite right now. He has tried carrots and sweet potatoes too
  • laughing when daddy surprises him
  • watching Griffin play
  • reading books

He had his six month check up on Friday and he is doing great! He is maintaining his course around the 30th percentile for size. He weighs 15lbs 15oz and is 26 inches tall.  He wears size 3 (size 4 as soon as the 3s run out) diapers and size 6 month clothes. I am still nursing him so he has had no formula yet. Since he is 6 months old now and his digestive system is more developed I can start to work dairy back into my system if I want to which is perfect timing because mom said the Dairy Queen in Rochester is open! And it is Shamrock Shake season... Otherwise the only other thing I have missed is pizza!

Some days this is the only solution

We watched the Olympics. This is the 2034 US mens boblsed team in training!

My first day of school!

I like jumping so much that mom can't even get a picture

We dug some new toys out of the closet that hadn't been used yet. He loved it!

Elliott and his big cousin Mason.


I think he likes the water.
I can almost sit up on my own but after a few seconds I fall over. This was at my six month check up.

He is a very sweet little boy and we are so proud of him and how he is growing and developing. We are amazed and fascinated by him every day!

In other news, Josh and I are both happy and healthy. Work is going really well for both of us. Josh has had a very busy 2014 with many different clients and projects coming his way. My new position at National Heritage Academies has been great. I am a part of a great team and a really exciting project!

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