
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Elliott's 4th Month

December 13, 2013 - January 13, 2014

This month was full of  family and celebrating! Our first Christmas was wonderful.

Oh my...

Gingerbread houses at Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Mary's

Lord, teach my little hands to pray.

I dont know if I like it...

Working at Grandpa Al's desk

Snuggling my puppy brother on his new bed at Grandma and Grandpa's

Downtown Rochester

Christmas at Grandpa Greg's and Grandma Kellie's with my cousins

I had a lot of helping to do...

Snuggling with my puppy brother.

Mom and Dad bought me this jumper thing but I dont know what to do with my hands.

Thanks Aunt Lori and Uncle Dave for my cool jersey!

Look at those lashes.

Where's the party?

New Years Eve lunch at Perrin

Making Grandma Pam a birthday cake

At his 4 month appointment Elliott weighed in at 14 lbs 11 oz and is in the 23% for height and weight and 50% for head circumference. 

I love my hands

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