
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

First day of school! Well, daycare

Elliott started day care today (momma went back to work last Wednesday). Being back to work has been great! I miss our routine at home but it is nice to be contributing to the world and my family in other ways. Elliott had a great first day. His applegram (his daily report card) from Miss Amber said he was snuggly and cuddly, liked jumping in the jumper, and playing with the jingle bell socks (I have some research to do to figure out what jingle bell socks are). He cat napped which means he has been asleep since 7:10pm. I'm proud of my little guy for being a good boy at day care. All of the teachers and helpers said he is so sweet. His first full day away from both mom and dad in 5 months, that's quite an accomplishment. 

Meanwhile in his spare time, he has been training for the two man bobsled with his cousin Mason. 

They are best friends, it warms my heart. Mason is such a good big cousin, and Elliott likes to smile and laugh at him. 💗

Elliott's 5th month!

On February 13th Elliott turned 5 months old. He seems a bit pensive about the milestone.

We spent the last month visiting Florida with grandma and grandpa, hiding from the snow and cold, and preparing to go back to work and start day care!

Grandma Pam babysat on valentines day ❤️

He discovered his thumb when he is sad or mad or bored. His favorite activity is jumping in his jumper and he giggles and smiles all the time! We've been having so much fun. 

Stay tuned for a first day of school pic!

Big boy chair

Daddy put together Elliott's high chair this week. He is not on any solids yet but he sits with us while we eat. And smashes on the tray and throws his toys on the ground...

We also had a lunch date today, so naturally he wore one of his finest.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Family vacay to Florida

Last weekend we flew down to Fort Lauderdale to meet grandpa al and grandma Pam for some fun in the sun. Elliott did great on his first flight! It really couldn't have gone better! Here are some pics from the trip...

Which way to the beach?

Daddy showed Elliott the airplanes at the airport. He didn't get it.

Elliott, please pretend it's like the car where you always sleep for the whole ride. Love, mom.

First family beach vacation! 

Grandpa and Elliott were best buds

Toes in the water buns in the sand. Or something like that. 

Swimming in the pool!

He comes by this honestly! 

Thanks mom and dad for letting us tag along, we had so much fun!

Baby's first Super Bowl weekend

This past weekend josh went to Las Vegas with the boys for the Super Bowl. So Elliott, griffin, and I had a fun weekend with Mary, mason, and roxy! We played, we shopped, we ate, and played some more! 

Playing with my cousins fun toys.

And mom dressed me in this outfit...

I guess the lions weren't in the Super Bowl, but at least they didn't lose.

Elliott's 4th Month

December 13, 2013 - January 13, 2014

This month was full of  family and celebrating! Our first Christmas was wonderful.

Oh my...

Gingerbread houses at Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Mary's

Lord, teach my little hands to pray.

I dont know if I like it...

Working at Grandpa Al's desk

Snuggling my puppy brother on his new bed at Grandma and Grandpa's

Downtown Rochester

Christmas at Grandpa Greg's and Grandma Kellie's with my cousins

I had a lot of helping to do...

Snuggling with my puppy brother.

Mom and Dad bought me this jumper thing but I dont know what to do with my hands.

Thanks Aunt Lori and Uncle Dave for my cool jersey!

Look at those lashes.

Where's the party?

New Years Eve lunch at Perrin

Making Grandma Pam a birthday cake

At his 4 month appointment Elliott weighed in at 14 lbs 11 oz and is in the 23% for height and weight and 50% for head circumference. 

I love my hands

Elliott's 3rd Month

November 13, 2013 - December 13, 2013
This month we celebrated Thanksgiving and the start to the 2013 holiday season!