
Sunday, June 8, 2014

He's not the baby anymore!!

Elliott's new baby cousin arrived on Saturday! Bryson James Reed was born at 12:50pm and weighed 6lb 6oz and was 19 inches long. These are Elliott's stats! It was so crazy to look at Bryson and try to remember Elliott being that small. They're just so little when they arrive and change so fast. Anyway, Bryson is a healthy little guy and we are so glad he is here! We can't wait to watch these boys grow up together. Here are some pics from the weekend:

Big bro Mason upon hearing the news:

The newest member of Team Reed:

Proud mom and dad!

The Reed boys (top was at Elliott's arrival bottom is Bryson's:

Proud Uncle Josh and Aunt Erin and cousin Elliott (who has no idea what is going on):

This is so sweet. But Elliott did slap his face like he slaps his toys... He was just saying hi:

I guess this being a big cousin thing is too much for a guy to handle... Shirt hanging open and everything:

And since it was Memorial Day weekend we flaunted our patriotism. 

Here's to a wonderful summer!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It's nothing a little swingin' can't solve

Does this kid know how to relax or what?

Little feet crossed and everything.

Things have been busy around here as usual but nothing too out of the norm I don't think. Josh's friend Rob was in town so we went to dinner with him and I think Elliott really had fun...

Elliott refuses to nap at day care, but sleeps like a champ at home:

And he got this sporty new shirt from Great Grandma Billie.

Meanwhile, I went to target and saw this little lady shopping. She's in training. I almost brought her home.

We have kicked off summer in full swing. We have celebrated birthdays, attended baseball games, played at the park, taken long walks. It couldn't be better. Every weekend is more fun than the last!