
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Elliott's first date and other weekend highlights

Elliott had his first date last Friday with his girlfriend, Mila. Let's just say it, Mila is a knock out. And Elliott knows it. Because of course they are too young to go anywhere without parental supervision, we were there and got some great photos.

This is my favorite because he has his hand on her leg and she looks a little shocked. 

The Easter Bunny came to visit my office so the kids were able to come in for an egg hunt and some fun spring time crafts. I would say this went MUCH better than the Santa thing...

From there we headed on over to Rochester to spend the weekend with Grandma Pam, Grandpa Al, and Uncle Rob. It was so cute when we arrived at their house, Uncle Rob was there talking to Elliott and Elliott was giggling and having a great time!  Then they played some football. Elliott really likes his Uncle Robbie. Also this weekend, Elliott caught his first real illness. Wow. That is not an easy thing to observe as a parent!  We felt so bad for the little guy. We had a fever that would just not quit! So we did a lot of this...

But despite the fact that he didn't feel good, he managed to keep a smile on his face!

And then we had to say our goodbyes.

Monday was Opening Day for the Detroit Tigers. He might be the cutest little fan ever.

Until next time!